
It feels like I'm wrapped a safe cocoon, a dark and warm womb. I'm sitting in the shadows of my back yard and no one knows I'm here except me...and now you. They sure roll up the sidewalk early on a weekday in this neighborhood. It's only 10:30pm. The excruciating humidity of today feels a lot less oppressive now. There are few sounds except for the light breeze rustling through the grasses against the fence. I'm not sure but I think I can hear things grow.

It seems that I've caught a second wind.

Tomorrow worries me...not the photo shoot at the library, but what they plan to do to try and stop the oil leak in the Gulf-pouring tons of mud and cement over the hole and if that fails...get this...blowing it up to implode it. Oh.my.dear.lord. Don't sudden upheavals of the land under the ocean cause tsunamis? Couldn't it blow open an even larger hole, making the situation worse?

In the early hours of this morning I had a horrible nightmare about explosions and that's before I heard about this new scheme. What can I do? How can I help? I can't so I'll just sit here in my dark womb of a back yard and pretend I'm safe from it all...for a little while.

I really like Windows 7 so far. Mac users insert snigger <here> It seems to be chugging along without a hitch...going on three weeks without hanging. Even the much debated issue with Skype making it seize up hasn't happened. A few small bits I bought online (video conversion and slide show creation software) have to be updated but mostly I'm now back where I started before the old tower's motherboard up and died.

Time to go inside, the skeeters have discovered me.

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