
By gabbahey

Pea soup.

I can't believe i'm posting a picture with me in it but it was such a good day and this sums it up perfectly - even though we both look like tinks. Logan will copy ANYTHING you do these days!

We ended up spending Logan's birthday eve at Stirling Castle. Totally my choice and not Marcus' bag at all but Logan loved it! He was exploring as soon as we got in, the only low point of the day for him was when he misheard me talking about going to see the tapestries - he thought I said tiger stripes and was all set for a full on tiger safari...oh well :)

My low point was the cafe - indulge my ranting for a moment...

...£2.35 for a kids sandwich - it consisted of 1 slice of bread and a teaspoon of grated cheese...I had macaroni cheese served with neeps and tatties, Call me old fashioned but that just doesn't go. We washed it down with a £2.50 bottle of water whilst Logan supped on what must be the world's most expensive apple juice at £2.35 a pop.

A thoroughly good day though :)

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