
By blipblog

New feature: publish by email

As Blipfoto continues to grow, we're keen to provide you with as many ways as possible to publish material to your journal. That's why we developed the iPhone app, and why we released our API, which has already empowered the community to develop Android and Nokia N900 apps, Lightroom and iPhoto plugins.

Today we're pleased to announce the latest - and possibly simplest - way of getting stuff to your journal: publish by email.

The principle is very straightforward: send us an email with your JPEG attached from the email address registered with us, and we'll publish it straight to your journal. The email subject becomes your entry title, the message body the description. You can even include tags.

Full instructions are available on the Extras page, but we want to stress one important point here: if you don't send the email from the address you use to sign in to Blipfoto, we'll assume you're trying to sell us Viagra and your email will be automatically spat into the ether, never to be seen again.

As usual, we've tested and tested on as many different email systems as possible, but there's bound to be some obscure configuration we haven't anticipated. If you do hit any problems, please get in touch with support in the usual way.

If, on the other hand, you'd like to lavish the Blipfoto boffins with praise, feel free to leave a comment below!

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