
By Chaos

Westchester Lagoon

This weeks assignment will be lots of fun.

Of course, shadow is just a darker tone of light. So everything is light and shadow. Every image will be a completed assignment! Whoopee!

I don't have much time tonight, but I am looking forward to the rest of the week! I originally posted a black and white image that followed this week's assignment theme but had to replace it because it looked dull and lifeless.

This week I am going to figure out the color settings for Photoshop that best transfer to the web browser. I have followed treegonk and benek's advice to change the color settings in Photoshop to sRGB. There are actually two or more sRGB settings and a whole bunch of other settings so I have to sort is all out. I'll let you know what I find. At this sRGB setting the colors and brightness settings are looking pretty good. Dublinshooter also commented that he liked his color settings in sRGB. Thanks for the help guys!

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