It's not that funny...

By orisit


I can't say this week has been the best week of my life so far and the kids seems to be flaking with 4 weeks of school left before the mammoth 12 week summer holiday that follows! The day started with a very tearful 6 year old clinging to me for dear life, refusing to go into her class because she had to stay for school lunch for the 3rd day in a row! Life is sooo bad! The day ended with her 3 year old sister having a mammoth tantrum in the square because I refused to take my really whingy children to the bakery for a treat! She clung to my leg for a good 20 mins and screamed the place down...she still didn't get to the bakery!

So between tears and tantrums Sollergirl and I managed a coffee, a walk and an icecream and not forgetting sitting watching egocentric 'actors', 'directors' and 'skivvies' pretend to look important during a shoot of some film or soap in a local exciting! We did have a giggle at the 'director' who was dressed in the most hideous outfit finished of with a wool 25 degrees...come on!

We have a new ice-cream parlour in town and it does very, very good ice-cream...and it looks heavanly too!

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