Another Day

By pcc


Scotty is an 'exotic cat'. When the family first got him at 9 months old, he had never been outside, and was frightened of that big sky above. Fortunately now he is used to going outside, and is quite at home in Wellington, and accepting of the new baby.
He is gorgeous to pick up as he flops like a rag doll, and you can do anything with him.
He also has massive big fluffy paws and he never puts his claws out, he is so gentle.
Just look at his long whiskers. He normally gets around with his eyes half closed, but I was informed that if he was given a bit cheese, his eyes would light up - and they really did!
It took wee while to get used to his very flat face, but as the time went on he just reminded me of 'The Cheshire Cat' in Alice in Wonderland.

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