Christine's Photospace

By ceckel

Graduation storm

Today I decided to keep my DSLR handy at my desk while working just in case I had an opportunity to take a photo of something other than bones and tissues and the like for once. I already like blipfoto very much for just this reason! Of course, it may keep me from getting work done. However, this has been a rough week at work. I've somewhat hit the wall in terms of edits for the second edition of my lab manual. I think I'm fatigued by the frenetic pace that I've been trying to keep ever since it went into production.

Anyway . . . they've set up a huge tent on the quad for graduation this upcoming Saturday. This afternoon a big thunderstorm came in and I was able to run outside and snap a couple of photos of the tent and the sky before it started to rain.

Now it is raining, but the air smells good and I enjoyed a nice little break in my day thanks to some inspiration from blipfoto!

Now if only it would stop raining before the end of the day so I can go ride my bike . . .

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