My Aim is True


Rising above it

Goodness, it's not often I am offered a glass of wine at 9.55am. I declined.

And then, later on, I hardly got a word in. But I know all about

"me,me,me,me,me,me, my important job, I'm soooo important, me,me, me, me, me,me. Goodness I'm really tired because I'm sooooo busy. SO busy. So BUSY. blah,blah,blah,blah"

And then I was a victim of "the pop-in" (see Jerry Seinfeld....but I can't link, coz I can't find it anywhere on t'internet). Which went along the line of;

"Hey MAiT, how are you? (no chance given to answer), anyway, I am sooooo important, and guess what. My job's going to be permanent and the spec's been written with me in mind, and guess what, it's a 10 grand a year rise and that's going to really help because my pension is really big, but this is going to make it GI-normous. Oh and I've lost almost 2 stone on my diet, in less than 2 months.....(large pause) how's your job and diet"

MAiT: "erm................(large silence).........would you like a glass of wine"

harumph, if I had a hugh mungus salary, I would buy a BIG camera, and take lots of blips like this......except better.

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