
By disdatdudda

my inner "madwoman"...

"A man who is "of sound mind" is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key."
Paul Valery

(and there she is...)

"Many people lock a part of themselves away. It's a bit sacred."
Tori Amos

(yes my "mad bit" is ever so sacred...)

"Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart."
Anthony J. D'Angelo

(will they think i'm mad though...? do i care...?)

"The instinct of nearly all societies is to lock up anybody who is truly free. First, society begins by trying to beat you up. If this fails, they try to poison you. If this fails too, the finish by loading honours on your head."
Jean Cocteau

(funny you say that, Jean; i was loaded with honours just last week! yep, after all these years...although i must admit nobody's ever tried to poison me...hang on! remember a few weeks back when i was suspiciously unwell...wow! perhaps i'm "truly free"? )

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