Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


I'm a very lazy blipper at the moment, but I haven't really been doing much other than painting so I may as well blip them! Its that or the cat again ;o)

Good news and bad news -

The bad news is that Felix has diabetes.

The good news is that it can be treated with 2 injections every day and he should be feeling a whole lot better and gaining weight in no time. The vet said that he could live for years yet. :)

The bad news is that my folks freedom to do what they want and go where they want, when they want is restricted a bit because of this but I reckon with a wee bit of organization it should be okay, and I'll come and stay with him when they want to go away if I can.
Mum is quite upset about it all and made a rather horrifying suggestion which led to a full scale domestic in the Vets room with me practically shouting "but look at his wee face, look at his wee face and tell me you could do that!". Poor Vet caught in the middle. dad said afterwards that the look on mums face when he said that Felix could live for years followed by me demanding "look at his wee face" and the vet not knowing where too look was the funniest thing he'd seen for ages.
My dad has a very dark sense of humour.

The good news is that Dad and I are resolutely in agreement. To be honest I bet mum couldn't bear to lose him either no matter how much she moans about "being tied to the bloody cat."

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