John Van de Graaff

By VandeGraaff

Cerulean Warblers on Mt. Holyoke

This afternoon we went to the top of Mt. Holyoke in Skinner State Park in Massachusetts, in search of birds. We found these Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea), including a nest. They are special birds--they're relatively rare, and nest only in a few places in New England--this modest mountain in Hadley, Massachusetts is one of them. Like almost all warblers, they are small--not quite 5 inches (12 cm) in length .

With leaves fully out, the birds are not easy to see at all, let alone to photograph (hence these quite modest images). There were two males (one blipped below), singing almost constantly, and a bit down the mountain a fellow birder pointed out a nest (above); he said the female had been on it almost constantly--a pretty good indication that she is incubating eggs.

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