Buddha looking outwards...

A reminder to me to be less concerned with me....and pay more attention to what's out there.....i like the metaphor here...I am not ashamed to say that i enjoy my introspection....i like looking inside myself and finding out what's going on...cos so often i'm unconscious of what is truly being exposed!

This beautiful buddha statue has sat on our window sill for a while.....the other day i noticed someone (i think richard!) had turned it around to look out....I spent a lot of time last night, with virtually no light, exploring this image, and this evening, when the light was at it's most appealing level, i was able to concentrate enough on it, without having to have my shutter at some really silly slow speed (without a tripod)...which is what i was dealing with last night when the image caught my attention.

Funny thing....this is one of those instances where first impressions (see yesterdays blip) is not the important aspect of the image!

Have a wonderful weekend.

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