
By reminisce

Sunday misadventures....

One should expect a Sunday to be quiet especially when there are no plans to go out and when I am recovering from a fever. I had certainly hoped so... but alas, things turned out quite the other way.

Yesterday night i realized the water supply had stopped when I turned on the tap. We have a problem sometimes in summer so they try to conserve water by stopping it for the night. We managed with the stored water but it was over soon. But we went off to bed anyway. Woke up this morning hearing the maid ring the door bell. The moment we sat up we realized there was a sound of water. In a few moments we realized that we were sleeping in a bed of water the whole house flooded due to one tap i forgot to close when there was no water!!!

We managed to open the door for the maid who was nice enough to try get the water out unsuccessfully. The drain could not take the amount of water and even the plumber could set it right after trying all options from inside and outside the house. Everything on the floor was soaked rugs, carpets, mats and they had to be put out to dry in the sun. Thanks to the maid the house was cleaned up and the extreme heat helped everything dry up soon. The water went off again, i guess owing to the extreme usage.

Soon we were watching a movie and I get checking the bathroom to make sure the taps were off. After a while we heard some sound of water. I got up to check and found the water back. That was good news. Somehow my husband went into the kitchen and most surprisingly found the utility area flooded!!! The maid had left the tap on while she was washing clothes and the water had gone off!! We burst into laughter and realized we would be sued if people found out how much water we could manage to waste in a day. This time though we managed to scoop the water and fill buckets with some difficulty. But this Sunday will be memorable for the water-flooding misadventures :)

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