Christine's Photospace

By ceckel

Upgrade? OK!

I was supposed to fly to Denver Friday afternoon, but thunderstorms in Atlanta grounded flights just about the time we were set to leave Roanoke. Because I would likely miss my connection in Atlanta and I really didn't want to get stuck in Atlanta, I opted to reschedule my flight for Saturday.

Lucky for me this was possible because I had a friend in Roanoke I could stay with overnight (Roanoke is a 1.5 hour drive from my house). Bonus: I got to hang out with my friend Friday night, which was awesome!

When I returned to the airport Saturday I noticed this sign in the terminal for the first time. It is an ad for the law firm my friend in Roanoke works for. I thought to myself, "Why yes, I would love an upgrade. In fact, the upgrade your firm supplied was delightful. Thank you!" The whole thing seemed apropos to my situation, which is why I snapped a photo of it with my BlackBerry. By the end of the day, this was the only photo I had taken, since I pretty much spent the entire day traveling.

When I arrived at my hotel in Denver I received another lovely surprise. Upon checking in I asked if I could get a king room instead of a double. They said they had no more kings as they were totally booked, "but would I be interested in a suite?" Um . . . OK! So now I have a huge room complete with wet bar, dining room area, etc. and all at the same rate.

Thus, what could have been some very annoying travel interruptions ended up with some very lovely bonuses!

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