
By dailykeith

Here's the news

It's Sunday, which of course means... work. Yes, if you want your daily newspaper it means people like yours truly have to be behind a desk on the day of rest.

But I mustn't grumble too much. There are plenty of people doing far more difficult and daunting jobs on a Sunday than most journalists.

I say 'most' journalists because one must not forget that there are plenty of heroic reporters and photographers risking life and limb in trouble spots around the world.

But I'm straying from the point, which is that Sunday has become a normal working day. And in my case that means dragging yourself out of bed at 6.15am, being in work at 8am and working a 10 or 11-hour shift without a break.

After a week off, it's particularly difficult to get back to the grind on this particular day of the week.

But today could have been a lot worse. We had plenty of major stories - among them a town centre stabbing, a man conquering Everest and Lord Carey resigning from the local university.

And then we had the story pictured. It is 130 years since Jack the Ripper stalked the streets of London, but now someone has come up with a new clue to his identity.

You'll have to make up your own minds... after visiting the newsagent, of course!

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