Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A New Day

This morning we woke early, dressed, and drove back to the Oceanside Pier, parked near the restaurant where we had celebrated last night, and then we walked onto the pier and out to "Ruby's Diner" at the very end for breakfast.

After eating we went to the upstairs section of the restaurant and looked toward the shore and clicked a few photos. It was a beautiful view, even if the air was filled with moisture. Surely there was something symbolic in looking at the expanse of that long pier -- the two of us will discuss that later.

Then we drove back to our motel room and spent some time watching the Indy 500 Race. Then mid-afternoon we walked the 5 or 6 blocks to the ocean. We stopped to have fish and chips for lunch and then walked south a mile or so past the last place where my Grammie Teele had resided and all the way to Tamarack Street. Then we walked down onto the beach populated with lots holiday crowds. And we strolled north along the sand back to the city's center.

We got back to our room and watched TV and read a little. Then in early evening we walked again on Carlsbad Village Blvd to find a place to eat dinner. We stopped in Vera Cruz Fish House which was packed, so we moved on and found a table for two at a local Mexican Restaurant.

It's been a fun and frivilous day -- as we accomplished nothing but special minutes spent together. Tomorrow is a holiday -- Memorial Day.

When our celebration weekend concludes, I'll get back to commenting. Till then, thank you for reading this far (you are amazing). The comments left this week have encouraged us more than you'll ever know. Thank YOU!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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