My Aim is True


Just another maitress Monday

Listen. How come that looks so old fashioned? It was only 1986.

I am way too busy to walk to and from work today looking for mattresses for mattress Monday. (I was sure there'd be lots, what with it being a Bank Holiday)

So I thought it would be a hoot to blip my penis spams. And...lo and behold there was also a spam entitled mattresses. The world's gone MAD!

In other news, it was good to see around Hope's house *

And in other, other news; do not, I repeat DO NOT be tempted to buy any pick and mix from Tesco. Whilst buying my cous-cous and oraganic rocket I spotted a chap filling up his pick and mix bag. His technique was to stick his hand into each section, grab a handful, examine them and put the majority back into the plastic containers after sifting through them to select what he wanted. Bleugh.

* totally blatant attempt to try and get more views for this blip. And it's not really taken in Hope's house. It's actually the inside of David77's head.

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