Christine's Photospace

By ceckel


Last night was the conference banquet. Every year, the banquet is followed by a bit of dancing, which is usually accompanied by local musicians or DJs. Apparently the scheduled musical talent was unable to come perform this year so the person in charge of arranging the band had to find a replacement at the last minute. Boy did she do a great job! The band was called Funkiphino, and they were, hands-down, the BEST we've ever had.

I hate dancing in front of other people because it makes me feel self-conscious. However, every year I get up and dance at this conference because these people are my friends and they are too much fun to NOT dance with. Well, this year took the cake because not only did we have fun people to hang out with, but the music was stellar. Yea! I'm always amazed at how a bunch of young and old college professors can truly "get down" and groove. I love these people! :-)

As for the photo - a dark room with a bunch of people dancing in it is not the easiest place to take a photo, especially when you are more interesting in dancing than taking photos. I managed to eke out a few with my little Sony Cybershot, and I posted the best one.

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