
By disdatdudda


according to Vincent...

"There is no blue without yellow and without orange."
Vincent van Gogh

(does he mean there is no sadness without happiness?...
or perhaps that objects need a contrast to show their true nature?
or that everybody and everything (colours inc.) need their opposites to shine?
hmm...Vincent's rather deep...)

according to me...

"There's no orange without yellow and without red" (and that's a fact)

(wow! my very first quote!! i know, i know...not deep enough...yet!)

"When in doubt wear red."
Bill Blass

(with a bit of yellow perhaps...but should i?... what do you think?... red alone in one hand is...but...)

"Red is the ultimate cure for sadness. "
Bill Blass

(i feel great! today is a glorious day...Mauro may - for once have a sunny birthday tomorrow and break a long standing tradition of wet birthdays!!...but i wasn't sad to start with...)

"Silence is not always golden; sometimes it is yellow"

(i'll say no more...)

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