
By Orchid


I've been to the wedding today (see yesterday) and brought a wedding-bread, and here she is : THE BRIDE !!

" hey Miss nice to see you sorry for saying buzz off yesterday but I was so nervous for today you know now I will show you my wedding dress do you have your camara with you oh stupid to ask we all know you as the camera Miss hahaha what do you think of my dress great isn't it..Oh I see the pageboy is eating my bread well never mind I can't eat anyway today have you see my husband btw he must be somewhere hahaha well I will see him hopefully in my wedding night..oh maybe he's still there in the bridal suite hahaha
yes Miss I know I know I have to stay calm but it's all so exciting to me
you know...I have to tell you a secret......."

Sorry dear bride, I really have to go now, have a great wedding party tonight and please try to stay calm !!!!!!!!!
See you

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