On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Wash Me In The Water ...

A Betty's Bear up to his waist in a Flat White. I sometimes feel like this. I drink too much coffee.

Does anyone know the Flat White? A cunning marketing move. It is a small size coffee but 20p more expensive than its Latte and Cappucino mates. It was heavily advertised with a picture of a coffee with a design in the froth. Nationwide, I find that 90% of baristas cannot reproduce the design. I've emailed the company about this but have not had any reply. Imagine my amazement when I asked for one at my local York outlet and received a near perfect attempt (at a fern-like design)! Perhaps it is just a matter of training, practice and time.

PS: There was a pianist in the streets of York who obligingly played me Neil Young's "Heart of Gold" today. I took his photo but it will have to go in my blipfolio.

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