Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Precious Objects #3

Another one in my Precious Objects Series - AKA what to do when you haven't managed to find a blip cos you've been working all day!

This is a close up of one of the gem-stone bookends that sit on the shelf next to me. A wonderful present from a wonderful friend many years ago. Still love them - they've moved house with me many, many times, they do their job brilliantly and they are beautiful to look at.

Picking one up tonight made the book it was holding up fall out - The Way of Zen by Alan Watts. A much more recent, but equally wonderful, present from a more recently acquired, but equally wonderful, friend. Like the circular nature of that. Oh, and it's an amazing book - made my head hurt, but I think that's probably because it was expanding as I read!

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