Fish Force 5

By fishforce5

You cannot be cirrus!

We had a eurovision BBQ on Saturday. It was immense. There was meat, drink, banter, muchos hilarity and a game of human battleships.

Because the grass on both sides of the wall behind my flat was a tad soggy, we covered ourselves in bin bags before beginning our nautical-themed craziness.

There really is no greater joy than watching the faces of ordinary members of the great British public walk past one's own flat as they process the sight of twelve grown men covered head to toe in bin bags lying on the ground anxiously awaiting the opposition team to lob a raw onion (lovingly wrapped in a carrier bag) over a wall and hit them in the unmentionables.

Wonderful fun. Never before has man thrown a vegetable and been so fulfilled by the sound of a gentle thud followed by a not-so-gentle groan of pain.

Anyhoo, what type of clouds have I captured? Do let me know. 305 nectar points up for grabs.

Toodle pip.

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