Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould


I was cycling back from Big Sand when I saw this otter dipping and diving near the shore. I was determined to get a good shot so I forced myself down the steep cliff, taking huge lunges down only when the otter dived.

I managed to scramble towards the rocks that look over the shoreline but I couldn't see the otter anywhere. But, then I saw the tell-tale bubbles and the otter popped up onto another rock about 3 metres infront of me.

I know that otters had bad eye-sight so as long as I didn't move I knew it wouldn't notice me. However, everytime my shutter clicked its ears twitched and its eye flicked. Yes, it only had one eye which, I guess, made it easier for me to observe it in secret.

It would jump in to the sea and I could follow it by tracking the the bubbles on the surface, then it would come back on to the rock and eat its latest catch. Usually crab.

All good things must come to an end though, and it noticed me move. It swam up to me, grunting, curious as to what I was, and then swam away again and disappeared under the water.

The best encounter I have ever had with my favourite animal...ever. :)

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