John Van de Graaff

By VandeGraaff

Harlequin Duck in Rapids!

This morning dawned cloudless in Waterton National Park, but with very strong gusty winds--following several days mostly of clouds and rain. Before heading back to Calgary (where we join a birding tour late Saturday), we went again to Cameron Falls in the village of Waterton Townsite.

There we had repeated glimpses of a male Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), diving in the rough water just below the falls (shown in the upper image). Harlequins nest along such cold rushing streams in parts of North America, and winter along rocky coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific. An American Dipper also made a very brief appearance. We'd seen both of these birds more extensively on Tuesday in the same spot, but that day's blip was preempted by grizzly bears.

On the way back to Calgary we passed by Frank Lake (scene of Monday's eared grebe blip), but we didn't make the trek to the blind due to the wind. Notable birds along the way were Wilson's Phalaropes and White-faced Ibis.

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