Fake Skylines

By fakeyskies

21th Tiananmen anniversary

Hong Kong, we have the only candlelight vigil in China. This is year, 150000 people attended. This is my 6th time to join, since 2005 I kept attending even I often had exams in this peroid.

We still remember.

No matter do other residents care, no matter how the world care. We remember those who died 21 years ago. We just peacefully care about those innocent.

I care more because my parents are politically/news apathetic, they can never explained what really happened that night/month in Beijing and even all around the Chinese areas. (Somehow I believe that my parents' apathetic lead me to study journalism.)

Blip: This is actrally the woman sat behind me, I was chosing between some marco shots or mirco ones to be my blip of the day... I guess my mind wasn't with my dslr tonight, this blip is already the best I took :)

related news report on wall street journal

PS+edit::: thanks for commenting, I wonder if any of my fellow blippers in China can view this? may you comment me. I really wanna know! thanks!

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