Gifts of Grace

By grace

The Pier House

Hereby hangs a tale.

Five years ago last month my father died and it fell to me to sell the family house. This was the house I grew up in, a very special place. Not so much because of happy memories but because the house and its setting contained my parents' distress and provided a sort of solace for us all. It is the old Piermaster's house in a village on the Clyde. The house has a narrow frontage but extends back towards the sea.

Despite years of neglect, I felt the house had great potential that I longed to see realised. I had neither the cash nor the heart to do the house up so put it on the market and invited enquiries from 'people with vision.' One particularly lovely woman came to see it but she and her husband eventually decided it needed more work than they wanted to take on. The woman and I agreed to meet for coffee sometime, as we had both liked each other.

All summer there were viewings but no firm offers. In early December someone else made an offer but tried to beat me down on price, cataloguing all the house's faults. At that time I was being pressured by distant relatives, who were beneficiaries of my father's will, to sell, sell the damn house to anyone at any price. Just do it.

I did not want the house to go to this woman; I wanted the house to be loved, not criticised. Had she said simply 'I love the house but can't afford it.' It would have been hers. This was not her attitude and in the end, despite the pressure, I declined her offer with nothing else on the table and the holiday season approaching.

A day later the first woman phoned again. I recognised her distinctive, bell-like voice at once and imagined she was calling to make a date for coffee. But no, she said something like 'My husband and I are haunted by your house is it still for sale?' This was one of the happiest moments of my life!

This woman has become one of my dearest friends and whenever I go through a life-changing event I HAVE to go and check in with her and stay overnight in the house. Just touching base. I've been staying down there the last couple of days. My heart could just burst with happiness at what this woman and her family bring to the house. Every room is alive with art and beauty and creativity. It makes my heart sing.

On Thursday morning I sat here and wept with joy and gratitude for the transformation that is being wrought in the house and in my life. I didn't just sell a house I found one of the best friends anyone could hope to have. This is how life was meant to be.

And now dear Fanny is here on Blip and I get to see glimpses of the old house most days. This is some of her work. My cup is full indeed.

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