Pixel Art

By pixelart

Tic - Tac - 'Toma' Toe

Idea for this shot suddenly popped up in the morning when I did some Veggies shopping. The red color of the tomato and Yellow color of the lemon just ordered me to take their snaps. Green Indian Peas was little humble, it just smiled and said if you want to include me .. well .. go ahead!

Came home and did this Tic-Tac-Toe setup. For a minute I was wondering whether to make Lemon win the game (lemon takes a bit of soft corner during Summers) or the tomato win the game. Finally when I completed this setup, I decided to make tomato win the game for its prominent size in the frame and its name - "Toma-Toe" :)

Afternoon rolled by little lazy, sitting in the beanbag and watching my roomie play Bio Shock game in the Play Station. I like watching others play the game more than me playing it myself. Not that am scared to play or cannot crack the puzzles, it's just that I like to see things unfolding in front of me without my efforts (call it laziness), more like a movie :)

Went out a bit in the evening. Some one asked me to buy a web-cam so that we can chat. But I roamed everywhere, did everything apart from buying that :) Just realized only after reaching home :P

So how is your weekend coming along? and oh yeah happy environment day to blipsters!

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