Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Tiny feet

The power went out just whilst Signing Time was being played before bedtime and when restored, Reuben and Callum tucked under the sofa cashmere coloured plush for some more. Tonight it was Baby Signing Time, which always brings me back to the song of Rachel's I dissected, "Special to me". Sign by sign, I would try to decipher when the context overruled the actual words she was signing, such as when she was signing "I'm glad that my baby is you" what she really meant was "I'm glad that you, my baby, are mine" so we sign mine not you. Well, anyway, that's how I broke it down and managed to learn this little song I posted on Youtube and teach the same to Reuben when he was two. It was a bit of a balance the video on the sofa type of recording and I didn't want myself in it as I wanted the focus to be on Reuben's hands. At one point, he falters, but it is not because he's lost in the song, it's because I didn't see him sign "families", that is, not until I watched the video replay. And thus I knocked the poor love off course. I think he misses those days of one on one and I hope we can have them back again so he and I can continue to learn to sign together from dictionaries, videos and the little cards I've made him. As with most things, I try to learn by myself, but when time permits and perhaps if Reuben decides it really is his favoured mode of communication, then we'll pick up the intensity where we left off.

This was made last Autumn whilst Reuben still had his trach and speaking valve.

Tomorrow, Reuben's graduating from UCLA. Third time lucky.

Thank you all for your support yesterday and unjustly kind comments. I'm tired, but back. So this is another one of those I didn't get out of the house again today blips.

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