400 days

I had to go back and change my mind. This shot was so epic it looked fake, like a dream but it was real. Looking back on day 400 I decided I had to have it in there....

Like Hansel and Gretel through the woods Katie and I bicycled the forest trail to pine point after dinner. The light and shadow of the sunset were playing hide and seek with us the whole way through the gaps in the trees. At the point we walked the beach and found wolf tracks in the sand. I took a picture. I've been told some wolves have recently moved into our area. It is a good spot for them. Miles of forest, a healthy deer herd, and lakefront property.

Katie and I waded out into the shallows loitering in the still water and perfect light at dusk. We took lots of pictures experimenting with the light and texture of the water. Old pieces of driftwood and emerging dragonflys newborn from their larval casings littering the beach. Reflections of the forest on the perfect calm of the lake and mother of pearl shining in washed up mussel shells.

A pair of kingfishers was chattering like crazy careening down the waters edge over our heads and back again proclaiming their hunting grounds. In the shallows log perch and pumpkinseed bluegills drift up like ghostly shadows from the outline of deeper water. And just before dusk fell, like an epic omen a bald eagle appeared and hung there just over the water in front of me, eye to eye. Time stopped for a moment watching him dance and hover there and then he flew off mysteriously taking the sunset with him.

I couldn't ask for a better day for 400!

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