Photos by me

By KrisDen

The Work Tunnel....

I don't know about you, but I don't like work... In fact, I can't stand working.... I know most people would say that you have to do what you love in order to enjoy work, but quit frankly.... Work is work and there are some days when you rather be anywhere but working.....

The reason why I brought this up is because this tunnel leads to work for many people. Seeing people go through this tunnel to get to work is so sad because some people are rushing through it, and others dragging through it. You have the exceptional employee whose on cloud nine going to work, but for the most part it's exactly how I described it.

When I took this photo earlier today, people were dragging through this tunnel, you know it's Monday... blah, blah, blah. So as you can imagine I saw a lot of frustrated, out of it faces. And I know, I didn't make things any better because I had to center myself to get this shot, so naturally, I was in the way.... oops!

Mondays Rock!

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