
By stills

Ten days to go

It might be raining outside but we don't care. I hopped up to the office earlier to see what the ladies were up to, only to discover one of the desks has been replaced with a massive parcel.

"what's all this then?"

"it's a new sofa (from our kind sponsers at Habitat) for the Film Lounge"

"aha. Looks comfy. Well, kinda comfy. Hard to tell with it being all wrapped up..."

"we tried it in the shop - it is comfy"

"good. so. when the sofa goes downstairs for the new Film Lounge will you bring the desk back up?"

"nope. we're going bring the chaise lounge up. its nice having a window seat and the desk was alwas just covered in piles of stuff anyway"

"perfect. well. back downstairs to work then"

"see you in a bit"

"yup - bye"

And that was that. I hobbled back down the stairs and grabbed some quality lounging time on the chaise lounge before its taken up to the dizzying heights of The Fifth Floor.

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