LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

We built this city on Northern Rock n' Roll

"Don't act like I never told ya" (rapped by Ye in "Stronger").

Ok, so this is the third "I told you so" blip this week but that's how I'm feeling.

Last Friday
This Friday

The prophecies on teenage styles, hip hop and market shares are confirmed by Sunday Times, the Sun online and, today, the BBC website. What a mix! Ma heid is full of this shit.

So Northern Rock's lost over a quarter of its share price - some whack - 29% and rising. At lunch today I asked a knowledgeable colleague about it. He said "The market is still reasonably stable and was down a gradual 130 already." I nodded like I knew what that meant but I also asked if it was "triggered by the cowboys, Stateside, dishing out loans to folks with all their belongings in a shopping trolley". "Liar loans?" he said, "Yes, pretty much."

So, all you young folks out there without a mortgage yet, looking for yer first one, needing a footy on to the ladder can wish on. You've nae chance now......and you can thank the fat, greedy, pin-striped suited (takes a couple of stone off 'em), money-loving bastards. They are mortgage advisers/lenders not Gordon fuckin Gekko.

In other news:

2 weeks after SNP are accused of asking for cash from BIG BUSINESS for an audience (ooh that's a new crime - me no see the problem) they are branded hypocrites for "back-peddling over policy" by......wait for it....... Hugh Henry of Labour.
(Insert dignified silence here.)

Maggie Thatcher takes a huge shite on David Cameron's heid at No.10.

French coach says: "Why did we let all those Scottish fans in the stadium?"
Straws firmly clutched.

I've been reading the fantastic interview series this week by the Guardian and I must confess I'd never read anything by Truman Capote. His "writing-up" of his interview with Marlon Brando was one of the most enjoyable and easy to read pieces I can remember reading. No care for the big words just perfect prose.

Cliche alert.... but Brando is off-the-wall.
My favourite quote in it wasn't Capote's it was Brando's:
"Too much success can ruin you as surely as too much failure".
50 Cent's new album is out this week. Or you can apply the quote to US mortgage-lending wankers.

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