Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Over tired

This just about sums up how the three of us are feeling today.

Kerrsdaddy had a physio appointment this afternoon at the hospital. It has been raining cats and dogs all day, and the traffic was busy to and from the hospital. Kerr was shattered, but refused to sleep until about 10 minutes before we were back home, then promptly woke up when the engine was turned off! He screamed lots in the car, and in general was very grumpy.

I think there may be another tooth on the way, he keeps chewing his fingers on both hands, not just his sucky thumb.

He is currently monkeying around in his bed, while we are waiting for a Dominoes 'Two for Tuesday' delivery :-D. Very naughty but hey ho, can't be bothered cooking tonight!

An early night is called for!

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