my little eye

By i4detail

Bombus Lapidarius

- I think. Well, it looked like the Red Tailed Bumblebee to me as I patiently chased it all around the saxifrage trying to capture it resting for a split second. This is the best I got and it looks more like a common or garden house fly! Honestly, it DID have a red bum.

I'm probably still in Greek holiday mode as we arrived back from Paxos a couple of days ago. If you like quiet, beautiful, sunshine, happy, Italiante, turquoise sea, lovely, lovely Greek islands - then Paxos can't help to delight. It's my absolute favourite island so far, even with scrappy little stony beaches, it is totally heavenly. Oh how I wish I was still there where I could forget... redundancy, £6000 electricity bill (out of the blue), daughter's desperately awful health scare, (well, actually I couldn't forget that one), nasty banks, general election results, diet ...

Back to the real world, but at least now I can dive back into the Bliposphere again!

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