Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

To fallen friends

This was our rope swing tree. It succumbed to a major attack of termites about 2 years ago, and you can see how much of the main trunk they had eaten out. This swing was on a steep hill, and the rope was 5metres long, so when you swung up and out over the slope, it felt like flying.

I work from home, and when it all got too much for me, I would go for a swing and absolutely get in touch with my inner child! Talking of which, it was wonderful swinging and flying whilst otherwise heavily pregnant.

Ahh! The memories! I am now glad that the termites had pulled so much soil into the whole trunk, that it still lies where it fell, and instead of being burnt, now provides habitat for all sorts of flora and fauna.
David is very pleased with his sculpture, and our artist neighbours have commended him for it. It makes a peaceful place to sit awhile and think.

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