A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Lunch at Loch Awe

After a wettish day yesterday we promised J the next fine day he could go fishing. The recommended place for absolute beginners was Inverawe where he could get a lesson. Headed there in the morning and booked a lesson for the afternoon so after a walk along their Forest Trail (complete with randomly placed slides, rope swings and forts) we headed off in search of lunch.

Harder to achieve than we'd anticipated but eventually we ended up at the Loch Awe Hotel which is a beautiful Gothic building on the banks of the Loch and so with spectacular views. It is enormous and mainly a coaching hotel so, as all their clientele were off for the day on their coach tours, we had the place to ourselves. I think the chef was a little caught unawares at catering during the day but they did a good job of providing for us. But perhaps more importantly we got to hang around outside a lot admiring the views.

Took loads of pictures of the Loch but couldn't resist this one. Their faces just sum up the whole holiday for me.

Lesley x

ps - J fly fished for 2.5 hours, loved it and didn't mind a bit that he didn't catch anything. That boy has patience I could only dream of!

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