By wellsforzoe

Binna at work

This is Binna who is in charge of seedling production.
We have two greenhouses where he produces improved variety citrus plants and a host of others by budding, grafting, layering and whatever!
The whole process is time consuming but very successful.
We get Lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, guava, avocado, papaya, mango, apples and pears.
He is seen here potting, where he will sow local variety lemon seeds to produce rootstock.
Harisen writes:
William is still digging the tanks.
Master has almost finished building the big tank, will start plastering.
Should he use the mesh wire dispite building 9" wall ?
The house is almost finished, Peter still with the tiles.
Levi has made all the beds for the house as well as the wardropes and Kitchen units.

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