just be

By justbe

The one that got away...

Disgruntled Abyssinian warrior, cranky humans, a mouse lost and not found. I was awakened very early in the morning to rather strange slightly muffled cries from Raspberry. I was trying to wake myself up enough to see if she was sitting in the window in the other room looking out at something wild wandering by outside. I really didn't have much time to think as she jumped on the nightstand and paraded by my head, field mouse gripped in her cat jaws. A drama unfolded, she lost the mouse in the rumpled duvets and the hapless fellow ducked under the bed amid storage boxes and things unknown. We humans vacated the room and trudged to another bedroom as she set about her work again, with no success. She joined us shortly, exhausted and very out of sorts. Her mood has continued and let's hope this story does not!

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