hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Sunglass weather

Today we did a long day at work - looking after our 500 reunion guests. It was, as always, a great day. I love hearing all the stories about the University 'back when' .. for some of our guests today, 'back when' means the 1940s. Our oldest guest today was 92, and despite finding it fairly difficult to get around, lasted the whole day and cracked jokes, when us younger folk were flagging.

A post-event drink at the staff bar before going home to watch The Game and I found myself gazing at the reflection of the buildings in Laura's sunglasses in a slightly hypnotised state.

Took some pictures of amazing stuff in the Civil Engineering lab earlier today, one of which was going to be my blip, but dammit, I offloaded them on to my work computer as I ran out of card space (amateur photographer) and now don't have them at home. Booo.

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