plenty more where that came from

At least I don't have to drive to work or anything. At least half the journey today was along off-road cycle paths as I was working in a different building, though this meant that as well as being late getting up due to trying and failing to get a bit more sleep I was a bit later still as I had to pack a pair of office-shoes as well as the usual flask and bicycle-related things seeing as my normal office-shoes live in my locker in my normal office. I'd popped past the other office on the way home yesterday to dump a shirt and trousers in a bag in the changing-room but knew I had a spare pair of shoes somewhere in the house (or hoped - they might have still been somewhere in the flat for all I knew) and thought that even if I couldn't find either pair of shoes nor my spare pair of brown office-compatible sandals that wearing trainers would be get-away-with-able when combined with a shirt and trousers, especially when working in a little group of project-bound staff in a forgotten and relaxed corner of a quiet and relaxed building. My morning bag-pack was further complicated by the need to pack a pair of normal wallet-holding walking-shorts to wear for the lunchtime walk up to hill to the mosque luncheon even though the my outer cycling baggies would have been perfectly acceptable. At least there is no particularly deep thinking or innovative problem-solving required this week; TFP had already written most of the code required for data-comparison and whilst checking one thing against another involves lots of staring closely at the screen which isn't particularly nice when very unslept it's a lot easier than actually thinking would have been, especially in my normal seat in the normal office where the light is brighter and the background noise far more irritating.

At least, in the evening, after a failed attempt to get a quick nap when I got home, I knew there was only one more day of attempting to be fully mentally functioning.

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