One day at a time

By Bonnabelle

Don't Even Blink

"Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink" - The Doctor

So I was up in the hills taking shots of the kites and the landscape when I sensed movement behind me. I turned around and jumped about a foot in the air when I saw this lot staring me out.

After recovering from my shock, I made friends with one of them. It seemed to be the leader of the group and initially came running at me, snorting. But after a short while it calmed down and started getting closer to me. Eventually, it was so close that it could have stuck its tongue out and licked my face if it wanted to. And then suddenly it bolted. I jumped (again!) and it looked at me with accusing eyes. I realised that it had got too close to the barbed wire fence and it had caught its neck. That was our friendship over. Despite my protests, it firmly blamed me and stomped off in a huff.

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