
By mar

may·be - Perhaps; possibly.n. Informal

may·be (mb)
adv Perhaps; possibly.n. Informal

Or as Charlotte hears it - Yes.

I'm sure my head will stop spinning at some point, but for now, the baby steps that Michael and Charlotte have been providing aren't tiny enough for my brain to process. We went from talking lightly about another animal (e.g. cat/dog) to serious shopping for a reptile. A Reptile!!

It all started when Fric and Frac met Reptile-man at Ironbridge. At least, that's when I think it happened. But since that day, Charlotte has been begging for a gecko. And I mean begging. But she's smart, she started with the Dad as she knew I wasn't going to be the soft-spot. Especially not with a reptile!

Apparently, there's been a lot of research going on with Charlotte and daddy. What they eat, how to maintain them, tank sizes, etc. So when we went out yesterday to 'have a look' it was more of 'let's let your mom get used to this idea' day. Did it work? No answer.

So today, they decided to be honest and tell me the plan. As Charlotte has a lot of stuff happening this year, she would like a gecko. Guilt, with solid reason rolled in one. Nice. Touch.

But to help with the blow, on the way to reptile shopping, we went strawberry picking at a local farm. I must admit I don't like strawberries so am not the best at picking them but loved watching them in their determination in finding the Holy Grail of strawberries.

Then we went reptile shopping. Window shopping. We came back empty-handed but full of very useful knowledge. For example, it's 99% decided that it will be ONE bearded dragon as oppose to two geckos and that the tank will go into Charlotte's room.

And the name will be Lissy.

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