live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Pangeran Dipenogoro

this is a link about Pangeran Dipenogoro

Do you like good news?
Do you like bad news?
what will you do if you have good news and bad news at the same time?

today was so weird!
we got good news today, but after that we got sooo bad news..
Good news and bad news for today!

Good news for today is My sister had recovered from her illness and she was allowed to come home. yay! *i was so happy when heard that*

but then..
Got bad news in the evening, my brother got a motorcycle accident. oh GOD!! oh noooo oh noooo.. i'm shocked i'm shocked when heard that. in the evening, someone or security from hospital called my mom *that security used my brother phone* and told to my mom about my brother got motorcycle accident and now he is at hospital. my mom shocked and suddenly became panic, then me and my mom went to hospital to see the state of my brother, and my brother was hit by a pretty severe wound in the forehead, nose, lips so that his face filled with blood, and there were also cuts on his left knee. oh Wew! he groaned in pain, oh no I can not see it filled with the wounded. then my mom asked the nurse to take care of my sister's move others to the hospital, where my sister was treated before.
oh sister was out from hospital in the afternoon but then my brother is come in to hospital in the evening..hopefully there's nothing happen with my brother, hopefully he does not need surgery.
oh God..oh God, please heal my brother.please..
My family is being tested by God with the existence of problems that happened to my sister and my brother and My family is going through a tough ordeal.

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