All things Blipable....

By Tina

Gadong Mall Toilet hints n tips

After 3 years of life in Brunei.. this still makes me laugh each time i read it..
theres a list in each cubicle..
points like.. dont steal the loo roll..
dont smoke in the cubicle
How to Flush the loo..

But this one ALWAYS makes me laugh..
when you live here .. you wonder why there are black footprints on the loo seats..
This kind of helps you understand why..
As the western toilets were a bit of a new thing.. the old toilets were just holes you squat over..
so the raised toilet was a bit of an anomaly.. and people used to squat ON the seat!
well if thats what you are used too.. how would you know???


Well... now you know!

Its nearly wednesday here!! wheres the time going!


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