* p h o n e d i n *

By PhonedIn


I gave blood today.

I'm O- which is apparently good for emergencies as you can give it to anyone. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a rubbish donor - i do not have any juicy veins! It took 3 nurses to find one remotely worth trying to get blood out of, and then after a while the pressure had reduced to nothing so they had to play with it to get things flowing again. That was a bit gross. I made the minimum amount with only 30 seconds to spare (you only get 15 in total to meet the minimum) so it was all rather exciting really. I think I may even have made the assistant's evening, so closely was she monitoring the 'race'.

This is a shot of the pillars of one of the buildings at the bottom of The Mound, The Royal Scottish Academy.

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