Wonderland of dust and noise

The top dressing of the water feature with decorative pebbles is the last hardscape task I have to complete before moving on to the next project, which is to fashion a shade canopy for the pergola, made from copper pipe and panels of sun umbrella fabric.

I tossed a shovel, bucket, tarp and gloves into the wagon thinking I'd be well prepared to spend an hour or so at a fabulous rock/brick/paver/boulder yard where I would hand pick a few bags of smooth, flat Mexican river pebbles. Paydirt, that's what I hit. They had a wire bin filled with them. I would have gotten lost in the task of sorting and picking...probably would still be there if it hadn't been Tuesday.

Tuesday is when (found that out a bit late) the eighteen wheeler trucks show up to dump supplies of mulch, gravel and sand, mobilizing a small army of bobcats and front end loaders to distribute the goods to the appropriate spots. The noise made me pick up my pace considerably as of course, I did not take earplugs.

Can't wait to put the pebbles down, hose them off and be amazed at the colors and patterns, from some river bed in Mexico, now here for me to look at every day. Wondrous.

Had it been a blue skied day, this would have been in color.

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