live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

a potrait of Ade

a man who works at Fuji Image Plaza.
My sister asked for a help from me to print her photos, she is doing enrollment to college *she just graduated from senior high school*, for the registration that she needed a 2x3 sized photos, so I went to Fuji Image Plaza to print photos my sister.

My brother conditions today is good. Bandage on his left cheek had been opened by the nurse, and has done the turn of the bandage on his forehead, lips and on his right cheek. but when changing bandages, blood flowing out from his nose, ewwww.. there was dried blood on his face that washed slowly by the nurse. when the doctor came to perform another examination, the doctor asked my brother to try to sit down, my brother got up slowly from his sleeping position, but he felt dizzy when trying to sit. his right knee, still sore and my brother still has not been able to pee in the toilet.
when changing the bandages, my mom was beside my brother, but my mom could not afford to see these injuries when the bandages are opened, especially with wounds in the forehead my brother, my mom was not able to see more, my mom was horrified to see it.

for today, i just have this photo. today was a rainy day, another wet and cold day.

O God, please help heal my brother, hopefully he can recover quickly and can be on the move again as usual.

thank you all for the best wishes and pray for my brother.. :)

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