The Poss

By PossMan

Cat and Mouse

Went off to Littleferry and Dornoch expecting to get some blippable shots. But before I went saw a mouse eating nuts from a birdfood hanger. By the time I got the camera next door's cat ("Ripley" I'm told) appeared and I was just in time to see the mouse do a suicide jump. Quickly caught, Ripley took her round to the other side of the house. I managed to get a few shots through the window which is partly obscured by a bush growing just outside so far from perfect. But here they look almost like buddies. And there was an article in Daily Telegraph on 29/04/2010 by Dr Brett Mills of East Anglia University saying that BBC nature programmes by the likes of David Attenborough were unethical because animals were being filmed at "intimate" moments (birth, having sex, death etc). Well much as I am anti BBC and even can't stand too much of David Attenborough I go along with the people who called his views "codswallop". And whatever its technical failings this is certainly an intimate moment in the mouse's life. By the way after watching the cat torment the mouse for some time, as cats do, the mouse made a dash into into some thick bracken and Ripley seemed to be having problems getting to it. Didn't wait to see the final outcome.

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