
By FourLittleBells

Ant music

Busy little Bells today. Rohan had her first morning visit to primary one. She was 'so decited' about this, and ready to leave the house by about 7.45am. So she spent two hours in the class with her last years nursery teacher, who is currently teaching P1. We found out at collection time that she will be teaching Rohan's class next year, which is great news. She was a match for Rohan at nursery, exactly what was needed at the time, but she said to me today I'm so pleased to be teaching Rohan after the summer, I really missed her this year; some of them just get you here (pointing to her heart), and she is one of them. Which is something, considering she has seen the 'dark side' of our wild one!
In the afternoon, we went on bikes (or dumps(?), as Noah calls them) to the river and had a great paddle, and a sit down for Noah, before heading back to get Lily from school.
On Noah's behalf, I got an mini ant hill for Lily's birthday, which has already been the subject of show and tell, and general excitement from Lily, who has always loved beasties. The only problem has been a lack of ants in our garden, so today I took a tub to school with me so we could get some from the playground. It was a mission, but we did it, and they are now safely (except for a couple of casualties) in their new home.
I think I'm as excited about it as Lily, and keep popping downstairs to see what they're up to. Watch this space.....

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